After long deliberation and with tremendous grief, I am announcing today that Good Food Market will close its doors on April 3.
I know that I am disappointing a lot of people for not fighting but there comes a time when you realize that winning won't make the nastiness go away. I can't win swinging punches at shadows when my adversaries won't come forward publicly and I can't focus on what needs improvement as a start up when I have to spend my time with lawyers. I don't want my daughters exposed to this ugly side when there is so much to be thankful about living in Chestnut Hill.
I have made so many new friends, met so many people I deeply admire and am thankful that I got to create something I dreamed of doing for a long time.
If I can ask for support one more time, please stop by this coming week and buy what's left of our inventory so it doesn't go to waste. We are putting everything on sale Saturday, March 27 (at least 30% off).