I want to thank everyone for all their support and well-wishes. We have fixed the zoning snafu at L&I and the case is no longer threatened. What a relief!
Also, I want to thank phillieFan for their courageous comment to my last post. I appreciate that this may be the first time that you have ever addressed me. (Sadly, you still weren't direct enough to provide your name).
I have some clarifications to your comment though.
1. The petition of "70 neighbors" was never given to Good Food Market nor made public. The only names that were made public were those 5 that courageously signed the letter to the editor in the Local back in June. These names are not in the L & I file nor are they on record anywhere else. I have also learned from several neighbors who signed this petition that they felt "coerced" into doing so.
2. We do have a tremendous number of professionals in Chestnut Hill that are very knowledgeable about zoning and Good Food Market went through the appropriate processes to be heard by these people. You specifically mention the "Land Use Committee." Let me again make perfectly clear that LUPZ approved the variance use of Good Food Market, as did the community association, and the parking committee.
3. GFM really does try to respect all our neighbors. We offer high integrity foods at reasonable prices. We have beautified an abandoned storefront and improved the lighting and quality of the streetscape. We recycle, compost and try to leave as small a footprint as we can on the planet. We offer jobs to neighbors who walk to work. We deliver to the sick, elderly and immobile. And these are all things that make us happy to be in business!
Whether or not GFM management is less polished than corporate grocery managers, our intentions are to serve the community's best interests with honest food, kind & generous friendship and responsible business practices. This is the type of planet I choose to live on. I wish you lived there too!